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3 Easy Steps to Sustainable Living

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Every few weeks, more and more bad news seems to crop up about the state of our planet's health. As we creep further and further towards the point of no return for global warming, more folks are eager to change their habits. Thankfully, energy efficiency is easier than ever! Scott Safadi of Cal Bay Property Management recommends these three easy ways to make your rental property more sustainable. He would know, after recently receiving recognition from the Mayor of San Mateo, Rick Bonilla for his sustainability efforts!

Getting started in making your community more sustainable isn't hard. Start with a chore you'll have to get around to eventually anyway, like changing your light bulbs. Switching to LED bulbs is an affordable and green way to ensure your tenants have the light they need to live by while also guaranteeing you're living the greenest life possible. The good news? Some electric companies will even help offset the cost of these bulbs! Check with your provider to see if they offer a free bulb initiative.

Next, consider opting for an Earth-friendly pest control solution. The use of pesticides is responsible for a huge impact on the environment and animals living near your community. Look to partner with companies who specialize in green pest control options instead. These contractors offer many of the same pest control services you need for your rental, but handle their business in a way that's more sustainable for the planet.

Finally, if you don't already have a recycling program in your community, get on it! There's no excuse not to separate out glass, plastic and cardboard from your main dumpster. While starting a recycling program seems like a large undertaking, it's actually a great way to foster community among your residents!

- Scott Safadi, Cal Bay Property Management